03 Apr
Take Charge of Your Spinal Health with the Right Adult Scoliosis Treatment

Many individuals around the globe live with scoliosis, a condition where the spine curves unnaturally. While commonly associated with adolescence, scoliosis also affects adults. Finding effective adult scoliosis treatment seems complex if even possible. Fortunately, advancements in scoliosis-specific treatments offer relief and hope. Adults now have specific solutions for dealing with this condition, ranging from the Schroth Method to the practical SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) approach. Let's examine the complicated process of treating scoliosis in adults and how these approaches enable people to take back control of their spinal health. 

Understanding Adult Scoliosis: A Complex Challenge

In Adult-onset scoliosis, we see challenges different from adolescent–onset scoliosis. Adult scoliosis can be from a childhood scoliosis or develop later in life as a result of degenerative changes. The difference is that with adult-onset scoliosis, one can see debilitating pain, restricted mobility, and even respiratory problems. The challenge is to effectively address these complexities while taking into account the unique characteristics of mature spines and individual health circumstances. 

Common Issues Faced by Adults with Scoliosis

Before looking for solutions, it's vital to recognize the challenges that adults face on their journey to scoliosis relief. Typically, these obstacles include:

Progression of the Curve: Adult scoliosis presents with unique challenges compared to adolescent cases. The curves may progress even after growth stops which will worsen the symptoms over time. Additionally, as we age, we see a decrease of our ability to stand upright against gravity, and this will progress the curve further.

Degenerative Changes: Degenerative changes in the spine frequently cause adults with scoliosis to experience discomfort. Disc herniation and osteoarthritis are common diagnoses that are seen with scoliosis and lead to more pain and disability. These conditions require careful management and treatment to alleviate the additional pain associated with adult scoliosis.

Limited Treatment Options: Chronic pain is a common problem for many adults with scoliosis and traditional physical therapy has shown little to no long-term benefits. Comorbidities such as bone density issues, orthopedic restrictions and cognitive impairments also limit treatment efficacy. Adults require a more personalized approach that considers their circumstances and treatment goals.

Addressing these challenges requires a particular therapy approach that considers the individual's specific circumstances and aims to improve functional ability and quality of life. 

Empowering Solutions: The Schroth Method and SEAS Approach

Fortunately, emerging therapies present promising options for treating adult scoliosis. The Schroth Method and SEAS  (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) Methods approaches are particularly effective at dealing with the intricate nature of adult spinal curves. 

The Schroth Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Scoliosis Management

The Schroth Method offers a thorough program to manage scoliosis effectively. It utilizes specialized exercises tailored to each person's unique spinal curve(s). The goal is to enhance muscle balance and realign posture through three-dimensional corrective movements. This personalized method addresses the distinct aspects of an individual's scoliosis condition.

The critical components of the Schroth Method are: 

Postural Correction: The Schroth technique focuses on corrective exercises and posture adjustments to straighten the spine's curve in all 3 planes of motion. Patients learn specific movements and positioning to improve spinal alignment.

 Respiratory Integration: Breathing exercises play a crucial role in the Schroth approach, helping expand the ribcage and increase lung capacity. These exercises also promote stability in the corrected posture.

Self-Empowerment: The Schroth method emphasizes self-correction, empowering individuals to actively participate in their treatment process. Integrating corrective techniques into daily life is essential. By addressing the underlying biomechanical factors contributing to scoliosis, the Schroth approach provides a non-invasive, long-term solution for managing adult spinal curvature. 

SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) Method: Working with Everyday Activities for Spinal Alignment

Scoliosis management often involves another research-based treatment approach known as SEAS, or the Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis. This unique technique incorporates corrective exercises into everyday activities and teaches active self-correction techniques to help manage the condition.

The SEAS method has the following key features: 

Postural Awareness: Using targeted exercises and proprioceptive feedback, patients learn to recognize and correct posture variations.

Active Self-Correction: SEAS-certified physical therapists help patients determine and maintain optimal spinal alignment to apply during all movements and daily activities.

Functional Integration: Unlike traditional exercise programs, SEAS emphasizes the incorporation of corrective techniques into functional tasks, allowing patients to use their newly acquired skills in everyday situations. The SEAS method demonstrates patient empowerment and functional integration, providing a practical and long-term approach to the management of adult scoliosis. 

In Conclusion

Finding solutions for adult scoliosis can be daunting. Yet, relief and vitality are achievable with innovative methods like the Schroth and SEAS Methods. Addressing biomechanical imbalances and encouraging active patient involvement offer hope. Targeted exercises, awareness, and integration are vital. At In Line Physical Therapy, we offer both methods to restore spinal health. Seek our expertise if you need a scoliosis specialist for adults near you. We'll tailor the perfect training program for you. Schedule an appointment now to take control of your spine pain and restore health and happiness back into your life!

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