Address Your Back Pain and Postural Concerns with the Right Physical Therapy Here!
At In Line Physical Therapy, I am committed to providing personalized and effective spine treatment for all spinal conditions including scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, Flat-back Syndrome and Scheuermann disease. I am a Schroth and SEAS certified physical therapist who will assess and guide your individualized therapy to ensure compassionate and comprehensive care, addressing a wide range of spinal disorders. In the pages below, I will delve into each specialty individually.
Understanding Spinal ConditionsPeople suffer from back pain for diverse reasons. The most common reason is due to a change in the natural shape of one’s spinal curves from prolonged positioning in poor postures. A healthy spine with its natural curves, absorbs the stress and forces caused by physical movements and gravity. When one’s natural curves are increased or decreased, these forces are exaggerated in certain areas, resulting in pain. Healthcare practitioners and physical therapists recognize these postural abnormalities as spinal disorders.
Scoliosis is a spinal condition where there is a curvature of the spine, often seen with what may appear as an “S” or “C” shape. This can originate in childhood or adolescence and may continue into adulthood. It also is common to begin in adulthood, as we see an increase in a forward bent posture and a resultant gravity induced spinal curvature. One can see visible symptoms including uneven shoulders, waistlines and hips, the head not being centered directly above the pelvis, rib cages are different sizes and a side leaning of the body. Scoliosis in adults can cause extreme pain and disability depending on its severity, location of the curve, and many individual factors.
Typical Course of Action in Spinal DisordersHealthcare professionals conduct physical examinations, X-rays, CT scans or MRIs, and other various curve measurements to diagnose this condition precisely. They recommend treatment comprising of follow up visits, physical therapy, bracing and surgery for severe cases. However, individuals can significantly improve all spinal conditions by using a
Physical Therapy Scoliosis Specific Exercise (PSSE) program under a certified PSSE practitioner.
Personalized Physical Therapy under Schroth and SEAS MethodsSchroth and SEAS are relatively new in North America and are growing in popularity as the first
effective non-invasive spinal disorder treatment approaches. These approaches help reduce ones spinal mal-alignments, and therefore their pain and disability, and drastically improve their return to normal functional activities. This requires a solid understanding of the biomechanics of the spine in order to best optimize the health of each person's spine and movement system throughout their lifespan. The focus is on specific exercises to improve their spinal alignment and stability. These methods help them learn about their particular spine’s behavior and how to use the correlating muscles, therefore restoring their spinal alignment. However, they differ in philosophy, focus, and application.
The Schroth Method addresses muscular imbalances and postural deviations by correcting each vertebrae’s three-dimensional movements; forward and backward bending, side bending and rotating. Elongation of the spine results in decompression of the asymmetric loading that occurs with mal-alignments. Once all three planes of motion have been restored to their best alignment, this is one's best spinal stability and an orthopedic breathing technique is then performed. This
Rotational Angular Breathing, or Expansion Breathing improves the recruitment of the inhibited musculature at each individual curve. Corrective exercises challenge and strengthen these deepest core muscles and drastically reduce muscular imbalance, improve posture and respiratory function, and reduce curve progression and pain.
Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS) emphasizes an “Active Self-Correction” approach, to attain one's best postural alignment with the reduction or elimination of their curves, to achieve trunk and spine stabilization. SEAS teaches individuals to recruit inhibited trunk musculature weakened by their curve pattern, by using neuromuscular training with an Active Self-Correction. This Active Self-Correction can then be incorporated anytime during their regular activities of daily living, recreational activities, school and work environments. This approach is quickly learned and easily reproduced to improve symmetry and trunk stability, decompress spinal forces, and to prevent or halt curve progression.
At In Line Physical Therapy, I employ a tailored approach, combining the Schroth and SEAS methods based on each individual spinal condition. I adapt the exercises with these methods to address all spinal conditions, including hyperkyphosis (hunchback), hyperlordosis (excessive arched back) and Flat-back Syndrome. Both the Schroth and SEAS methods are most effective when started early in the progression of all spinal conditions. Consulting a certified Schroth or SEAS physical therapist for a tailored treatment plan is crucial for these conditions.
Contact me today for more information and timely expert intervention.