How to Perform Self-Elongation
*Starting from the pelvis, think of elongating your body upwards and feel how you can allow expansion to occur from the inside out. 
*Sense a release of the outer muscles as you gently elongate upward and expand through your waist region and slowly up into your ribcage. 
*As you elongate up through your lumbar spine, feel your lower back expand outwards. 
*Feel how your ribs expand wide as they elevate toward your head and make this oval shape bigger.  
 *You are reshaping your ribs that have adapted to the rotation of your vertebra.
*When we inhale, our diaphragm descends and opens, it expands in all directions like an umbrella. 
*Think of an umbrella opening under your rib cage- all the panels open, front, sides and back. *Think of allowing more space between each vertebra. 
*Breath slowly, even hold your hands over ribs to feel this expansion and elongation. 
*Feel yourself growing taller, longer, lengthening, a widening in your body. 
*Inhalation promotes symmetrical rib cage expansion. 
*Close your eyes to improve your ability to learn and feel this self-elongation. 
*Sense a gentle tractioning of the ribs going wide, away from the spine at the back. 
*When you elongate, you are expanding in 3 dimensions: caudal to cranial (pelvis to head), resulting in rotating up like a corkscrew (transverse plane), front to back (sagittal plane), side to side (frontal plane). 
*Attempt to elongate for 10 seconds, increasing to 30 seconds to 1 minute daily.
*Perform  laying down if possible.