10 Apr
Discover the Roadmap to Relief with Non-invasive Scoliosis Treatments

Discover the Roadmap to Relief with Non-invasive Scoliosis Treatments Many people today live stressful lives. In their pursuit of staying at the top of their game, they work day in and day out, spending hours hunched over screens or sitting in poorly designed chairs. In this race, their spine health often takes a back seat. From children to adults, people from all walks of life are struggling with spinal health conditions. Over time, people develop abnormal curvatures of their spine because of prolonged positioning in poor posture and because of the effects of gravity on Progressive core weakness as we age. Conditions that affect the curvature of the spine include but are not limited to scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, and Scheuermann's disease. If these spinal conditions are left unaddressed, the patient will experience excruciating back pain, muscle spasms, and eventual loss of work and quality of life, particularly when the curvature inevitably progresses.  

Scoliosis: Adult scoliosis is often a continuation of adolescence scoliosis, but in some cases, scoliosis can first develop in adulthood. When that happens, if not caused by some sort of traumatic injury, it’s usually the result of disc degeneration, and/or diminished bone density and muscle strength.  Loss of height (caused by spinal degeneration), postural changes, and pain are all signs/symptoms that scoliosis may be present or progressing. Staying active can help mitigate the effects of scoliosis such as muscle imbalances, spinal fatigue, and collapse. Scoliosis or not, as we age, we tend to develop degenerative changes in the spine. The Schroth method and the SEAS method are perfect for individuals with active lifestyles who want to learn how to manage their back symptoms and improve their postural alignment while still having the spinal flexibility to do so. ` These programs help to halt the progression of the condition as well as help with pain management. Moreover, they empower patients to take control of their condition at any stage. With remarkable treatment methods such as these, degenerative spinal conditions shouldn’t be a hindrance in carrying out a normal daily routine.

Kyphosis:   Kyphosis describes a normal thoracic curve that appears at or just below your shoulder girdle, naturally bending in a forward direction. A kyphosis can easily be exaggerated to counter an instability, weakness or pathology of the neck and lower back, referred to as a hyperkyphosis.  With adults, we see a forward bent posture and increased stiffness, putting excessive stress on the vertebral joints above and below, as well as soft tissue structures that are trying to hold the person’s body up against falling forward with gravity. Our focus is to address the asymmetry of the adapted soft tissue structures, to achieve a more neutral alignment with stretching and strengthening. Scheuermann’s Disease is seen in children as an exaggerated kyphosis, and early treatment is imperative. Our focus is to reduce the asymmetric loading on the spinal joints during growth. This allows the spine to grow in a more normal physiological position, by decreasing anterior wedging and increasing flexibility to prevent progression and pain. Results are usually better for patients with more immature spines, increasing the opportunity for symmetrical growth, symptom improvement and an optical outcome. 

Point-to-be-Noted: As progressive conditions, these aforementioned diagnoses are not curable, but are treatable. Have you heard about non-invasive scoliosis treatment methods? This comprehensive guide will acquaint you with two methods to treat Spinal malalignmentsThe good news is that no matter when your spinal condition was diagnosed, The Schroth Method and the SEAS Method can help. For those with an active lifestyle, adding spine-specific exercise is invaluable because patients learn how to manage their own postural malalignment. These non-invasive approaches have proven results and provide effective strategies for managing and improving spinal health.

The Schroth Method Therapy This is a science-backed holistic method for treating Scoliosis. The primary goal for all patients is improved body mechanics and spinal stabilization to prevent further curve progression. The treatment approach of the

Schroth method of physical therapy is tailored to each individual's unique spinal curvature and specific needs. A certified Schroth physical therapist will conduct a thorough clinical and radiological evaluation to understand the patient's specific spinal condition, including the severity and pattern of the spinal curve. Based on this evaluation, the therapist will design a personalized exercise program to address the patient's specific curvature and associated symptoms. 

Main Objectives of the Schroth Method The primary goal of this non-invasive therapeutic method is creating mindfulness of your posture, correcting posture through increased muscular endurance and strength, enhancing the quality of your breathing, improving the appearance of your posture, reducing joint discomfort, and avoiding surgery. 


*Reduce or eliminate pain, if present 

*Stop scoliosis from progressing – stabilization 

*Improve spinal flexibility and strength 

*Empowerment over scoliosis 

*Learn lifelong skills for scoliosis management 

*Improve breathing and lung function, if impairment exists *Improve body awareness and mechanics 

*Correct postural alignment through increased muscular endurance and strength

 The SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) Method The SEAS is the Italian approach to treat spinal malalignments, beginning with the patient's understanding and perception of their own posture. This comprehensive treatment is unique in that it uses a group of specific exercises isolating the weaker muscles associated with each of their curves with an Active Self-Correction. This Active Self-Correction uses their own musculature to hold themselves outside of their curve resulting in their best postural alignment and a reduction or elimination of their curves. This Active Self-Correction can then be incorporated anytime during their regular activities of daily living, recreational activities, school and work environments. This approach is quickly learned and easily reproduced to improve symmetry and trunk stability, decompress spinal forces, and prevent or halt curve progression. Under the vigilance and assistance of a SEAS-certified physical therapist, patients (of all ages) with all spine conditions can learn this unique and simple technique to actively align their spine and trunk in all three dimensions, promoting optimal spinal stability while decreasing pain and disability. 

Main Objectives of SEAS Method The primary goals of the SEAS method are restoring one’s natural spinal posture by increasing one’s awareness of their spinal positioning and postural alignment, enhancing one’s functional capabilities, alleviating pain, managing symptoms, achieving long-lasting spinal stability and deterring further curve progression. The SEAS approach has shown enormous growth in its use and popularity, as the exercises are relatively easy to learn and practice at home. 


*Correction of spinal mal alignments 

*Learn lifelong skills for scoliosis management 

*Improve breathing and lung function, if impairment exists

 *Improve body awareness and mechanics 

*Restoration of a more natural spinal position 

*Functional improvement 

*Correct postural alignment through increased muscular endurance and strength 

*Pain reduction and symptom management 

*Reduce and eliminate asymmetrical loading 

*Long-term spinal stability and prevention of progression 

*Patient education and empowerment  

By integrating various scoliosis-specific treatment approaches, experts are able to address all aspects of the conditions comprehensively, leading to sustained and long-lasting results. Still not convinced?

Call for your appointment with a certified therapist and ask a professional directly: Does the Schroth method work for adults? Will it work for me? 

At Line Physical Therapy, LLC, you will get a customized physical therapy program based on age, skeletal maturity, and specific spine curvature. 

Consult with a Certified Therapist for Spine Pain Relief! 

Here at Line Physical Therapy, LLC, we spend direct on-on-one time educating patients and their families about their spinal conditions and the many treatment approaches that are available to them. Abnormal curvature of the spine should not be overlooked and should always be taken seriously. Because once the progression is triggered, it is very difficult to slow, and it is certain to bring discomfort and eventual pain that will impact your quality of your life. So, the best time to start this unique approach to noninvasive spinal treatment is now. Schedule your appointment today and discover the path to lasting comfort with our time-tested approach.

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